I have two new jobs! Last week, some members of a project I have been involved in for many, many, years approached me about becoming the project manager/coordinator for a new project in a local park. I am quite overwhelmed by the responsibility, but honored that they thought I was the one for the job - I'm not really sure how to do everything I have to do yet, but everyone seems confident I will figure it out so I'm hoping they're right. Also, I was picked for a job involving sustainability at my school. This one is really vague, as even the coordinators have explained that the first order of business is deciding what we want to do and figuring out how we should go about doing it.
To tell the truth, I'm a little scared about these two jobs - for one, they're going to involve a lot of self-motivation, initiative, working at home, and critical thinking. I know I am certainly capable of all of these things, but I've never had them all combined into one thing that I was actually (as in a real job, not just homework for school) responsible for. All my previous jobs have been a go-to-work-and-mindlessly-do-my-tasks kind of things. (Don't get me wrong though, I love the job I currently have - I have the most wonderful boss in the world and I am a better person for having it). I'm nervous about all of this, but excited because not only do I get to be part of meaningful and important projects now, both of these will look excellent on my resume and hopefully help me out in the future, once these jobs end. Also: not being broke at the end of the semester (as has happened in previous years when my summer job money runs out) is a definite plus!
On top of this, I still have a few weeks of my old job before it's over, I'm taking 12 credits (only three important classes and two minicourses though), and somewhere in there I have to find time to search for a real job once all of this is over.
I'm for sure not complaining though - I've never felt this involved, or like I had this much potential. Everything I'm doing right now is important to me, for now and for the future, and I'm so excited to see what happens!